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Caddo-Midway Fire & Rescue District


Caddo-Midway Fire Department was established in 1971. The department operated as a non-profit until 1998 when The Caddo-Midway Fire & Rescue District was formed. The District still operates as a non-profit governmental unit established under the code of Alabama.


Our purpose and objective is to save lives, protect property, prevent and extinguish fires, work towards the betterment of the fire service, reduce unnecessary loss of life and property, and promote legislation. In addition, we conduct fire safety surveys, cooperate with government agencies, and provide year-round educational programs to our community.

Fire Dues Fee Information


In 1998, the Fire District’s Board approved an annual fire dues fee of $60.00.  The collection of dues was based on the ability of the Fire District to operate with current funding at that time.  The volunteer firefighters have been able to maintain a budget for the past 25 years for the Fire District with donations and fundraisers without implementing the fire dues fee.  However, with increased costs, increased call volume, and decreased funds raised from fundraisers, the Fire Board unfortunately has no choice but to implement the fire dues system at this time beginning for calendar year 2024.  For the past two years, the Fire District has operated with a deficit budget.   The Caddo-Midway Fire & Rescue District is a 100% volunteer fire department that relies on community funds to operate.


With the new class 4 fire rating comes greater responsibility.  In order to maintain the class 4 rating, much more is required of the fire department.  Most all homeowners in the Fire District are saving a considerable amount of money on insurance premiums.  The average savings in now over $1,000.00 per year.  In order to continue the lower rating, we must have the funding.  Every day, firefighters put their lives on the line to aid the people of our community.  Caddo-Midway’s volunteers take time away from their families and risk their lives, to help make our community a safe place to live and raise a family. They train, prepare, and engage in continuing education for all emergencies we respond to every day.  We are averaging over 700 calls per year. Think of all the time it takes to answer calls, maintain equipment, and train.  Not to mention the cost in fuel, and wear and tear on the volunteers’ vehicles.   Countless hours are being expended by the volunteers to save lives and property, along with providing you with lower insurance premiums!


For just $5/month (or 16 cents a day) you are helping the volunteers acquire much needed equipment, pay operational costs, and maintain the lower fire rating. The annual fire dues are $60 for each parcel property(s) you own per year. Caddo-Midway dues fee are due by January 1st 2024.  Dues notices are mailed the last week of September beginning in 2023. They can be paid by mail, or online via PayPal.  We also accept credit card payments.

Important: If you are exempt from property taxes you are exempt from fire dues!



We greatly appreciate the support our community has given us and feel that by each of us working together, we can continue to make a difference within our community.




Caddo-Midway Fire & Rescue District


Dues are $60.00 per year per residential unit or commercial unit. 


Examples:     If you own 1 home your dues are $60.00.

                        If you own 1 home and 1 rental property your dues would be


                        Mobiles home are subject to dues of $60.00 per home.

                        Businesses and Commercial properties are $60.00.


{If you are exempt from property taxes in Lawrence County you pay no fire dues}


Payment can be made by using the form below.  Complete the form and enclose a check for $60.00 made out to Caddo-Midway Fire & Rescue District.  Place your check and form in the envelope provided and mail to: 


Caddo-Midway Fire & Rescue District 7909 County Road 214 Trinity, AL 35673


Credit Card Payments can be made using the QRS Code, or if you prefer to pay in person, feel free to call 256-355-0671 to schedule a time to pay: 



The District has Two Fire Stations.


Station One is located on the North side of Highway 24 located at 7909 County Road 214 in Caddo. Station Two is located on the South side of Highway 24 located at 3822 County Road 434 Moulton in Midway. These two stations are strategically positioned to allow all property within the Fire District to be within 5 miles of a fire station. The District is governed by a 7-member Board of Directors which are elected and serve 4-year terms. Officers of the District are appointed by the Board.  Board meetings are held the 4th Thursday of each month (except November) at 7 P.M. at Station One. Community members are welcome to attend. Public comments are allowed at the end of the meeting. Comments are limited to two minutes per commenter. 




  • Ronnie L. Hampton, Fire Chief

  • Darwin N. Clark, Assistant Fire Chief/Administrator -

  • Marshall Tucker, Captain

  • Kell Whitlow, Lieutenant

  • Matt Smith, Lieutenant


Board of Directors



Secretary/Treasurer of the Board


The Board meets the 4th Thursday of each month (Except November) at 7:00 P.M. at Station One.




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